UAE First

Hi my name is Ahmed Abdul Hai Al Hashmi.  I am 15 years old and I am in grade 9.06 at Al Ain Applied Technology High School. After they handed us the laptops, Ahmed Moustafa asked us to create a folder called “learner portfolio”. In this folder there are about different sections, vocabulary, grammar, writing, reading,projects, and homework. In the vocabulary section, the teacher gave us a soft copy of the book, in the end of it there is a comprehensive list of all the new vocabulary for each unit. We used the words to create power point presentations paired with their meaning and an example sentence. The grammar log is kind of the same; we have the grammar point and type it on a power point presentation and link it to any material we could download from the internet and we feel it could help make the meaning of the lesson clearer. But the writing is a little bit different , we wrote reflections, summaries of stories and newspaper articles. The reading is another story, we go home or maybe even in the class we read a story and write about it, but wait as I said it’s another story. We don’t write a summary we write what we understand from the story, what we liked, and above all what we learnt.

Ahmed Abdul Hai Al Hashmi
Grade 9:06