I am Abdul Raheem Abdulla Al Zarouni. I’m 15 years old. I study at the Al Ain Applied Technology School in Grade 09.06. My favorite teacher is Ahmed Moustafa, and my favorite subject is English. Actually I like Ahmed Moustafa’s way of teaching because as he uses a learner portfolio so we learn grammar, writing, listening and reading. I see a very big difference between my old class and Ahmed Moustafa’s class. In the old class we study only in the book and notebook but in Ahmed Moustafa’s class, we study using our Mac laptops so it’s more fun. When I first came to this class I felt that it is very hard but now I wish that every class is similar to this class. I like his Beautiful class. In fact learned a lot of skills, including listening, reading, and writing skills.
Abdul Raheem Abdulla Al Zarouni
Grade 9:06